Why install a garden irrigation system?
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Why install a garden irrigation system? Blog
The secret to any successful garden is to find the right balance of sunlight, fertilisation, and water. But when it comes to your lawn, the process of the watering can be time-consuming and ineffective if done incorrectly. A garden irrigation system takes the guesswork out of watering. However, before you invest in one for your property – let’s look at the pros and cons.
Advantages of an Automatic Garden Irrigation System
Are sprinkler systems worth it? Here are some of the benefits.
Time Savings blog
Hand watering or using a manual hose sprinkler to water your lawn and garden requires a significant investment of your time. The ideal time to water your garden is between 4am and 10am. That makes it a challenge for those with larger properties or who have limited hours of availability. With an automatic irrigation system, you can set it to automatically stop and start within your desired time frame for maximum effectiveness and savings.
Water where it’s needed blog
A professionally designed automatic irrigation system can be carefully positioned to direct the water by location, timing and need, instead of allowing runoff to paths, driveways or just to pool in unwanted areas.
Aesthetics blog
Eliminate unsightly hoses and sprinklers with sprinkler heads that are only visible when in use. Drip irrigation is another efficient watering solution that is often hidden and out of sight.
The health of your plants blog
Depending on the climate and soil conditions in your area, your lawn will likely require 30 to 60 minutes of watering once or twice a week. Too much or too little water can result in an unhealthy plant, it can cause mould and fungus. With a properly scheduled automatic irrigation system, you can rest easy knowing your plants will receive the perfect amount of water with little to no waste.
Freedom to take time away
With an automatic irrigation system, you are free to sleep in, go on holiday, or simply take the day off without worrying about watering your plants.
Any Size of Property
This type of system can be customised to suit any size of the property, unlike manual sprinklers which have a limited range of motion.
An automatic irrigation system will reduce the amount of water you use to water your lawn and garden. Studies have shown that as much as 7% of runoff can occur from poor use of residential water.
Stronger Plants during Drought
With an automatic irrigation system you can train your plants to thrive on minimal amounts of water. Plants with greater or less requirement for water can be accommodated. During water restrictions, your plants will survive.
Disadvantages of an Automatic Irrigation System
It’s important to consider all aspects of these systems, including any drawbacks before you invest. Disadvantages include:
System monitoring is required to ensure optimal performance, and seasonal maintenance will need to be performed each spring and autumn to prevent damage and water leakage.
Sprinkler heads may become damaged, drippers can clog and system components can wear or malfunction over time.
Underground pests can wreak havoc on your irrigation system, damaging water lines and creating a huge mess or broken components. Regular checks keep damage to a minimum.
Wind can reduce the effectiveness of your automatic irrigation system by blowing the water in an unintended direction, resulting in areas that receive too much or too little water. Our experts can adjust your system to limit this problem.
With over 30 years of experience in irrigation, we are happy to visit your property and provide a free cost estimate for the installation of an automatic irrigation system on your property. Call us today[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][us_image image=”935″][us_separator size=”small”][us_image image=”936″][us_separator size=”small”][us_image image=”937″][us_separator size=”small”][us_image image=”938″][us_separator][vc_column_text]